Thunder Valley CDC
Porcupine, South Dakota, USA
Image Credits: Thunder Valley Community Development Organization
The Pine Ridge Reservation, one of the most impoverished areas in the United States, faces new challenges from an increasingly harsh and unpredictable climate. In response, members of the Oglala Lakota Tribe established the Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation (TVCDC) in 2007 to develop a more sustainable community-led model for housing, ecological and cultural regeneration, and public infrastructure. TVCDC is slowly building a 34-acre planned housing development with a variety of community facilities supporting community training, education, and agricultural production. Drawing upon Indigenous governance traditions, TVCDC’s projects seek novel ways to enhance environmental wellbeing, generate livelihoods, and secure tenure through a Lakota-inflected approach to homeownership. Based on interviews, reviews of planning documents and a site visit, it seems that TVCDC’s achievements are well underway.